Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm swamped with charity quilts right now.  They ( the "guild") are getting ready for a big show in April to present various organizations with quilts.  Numerous guilds in the gulf states have been envited to come and display and present their quilts also.  I brought home 4 tops this week which are ready for quilting.  One person has 4 which she is "prepping " for me and one other person has 2 which she is prepping.  One of those persons also has completed a top which she will bring for me to quilt also.  

I love my long arm quilting machine and we get along fine, until she decides to have a "snit".  :)


  1. Wow, you are busy! I will be gone all week next week, let's see about lunch after that, now that Paula is a free woman again.

    Hope your long arm behaves and you can get all this done!



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